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Choose Your Pricing Plan

My Lifetime Fitness Program is here! Brought around by various years of personal experience and curiosity, I've assembled an up to date, quality of life enhanching approach to fitness and dieting! This program will ensure the best results possible, all while keeping your taste buds satisfied, and your motivation high.

  • My Fat Loss and Muscle Growth Program

    This program will help you transform! Not just for a short period of time, but for years to come! This program entails a lively and energetic workout plan, along with a delicious high protein diet!
    Valid for 3 months
    • Delicious recipes for each and every one of you
    • A high protein diet that will satiate your tastebuds
    • Healthier substitutions to your favorite condiments
    • Calorie counting , frequent weigh ins with me, and tracking
    • Guidance from someone with 4+ years of experience
    • An energetic workout routine that challenges and rewards you
    • Undeniable and pristine results that keep you motivated
    • Guaranteed fat loss that is enjoyable and sustainable
    • Hypertrophy based weight training to maximize muscle built
    • Optimized fat loss with accurate calorie counting
    • Enjoyable fat loss brought about with a savory diet
    • QOL enhancing beverages to get you through your day
    • Improved QOL brought about with my gathered experience
  • Best Value

    16 Week Transformation Program

    For those of us dedicated to making long term change and growth
    Valid for 12 months
    • Unlimited Q+A
    • Access to the best quality diet and nutrition program
    • A 16 Week strict program that will kick you into great shape
    • Strict calorie counting and food tracking
    • Guidance provided by someone with 4+ years of experience
    • A growth oriented approach to fitness and dieting
    • Ensured results and a direction based system
    • An easy but success producing program
    • A delicious diet that makes it impossible to backtrack
    • A scheduled cheat meal/day incorporated
    • A planned out system with a clear path and direction
    • Undeniable results brought about by accuracy and precision
    • A smooth, goal oriented approach to your fat loss.
  • 8 Week Transformation Program

    An 8 week aggressive fat loss program, bent on drastically reducing your body fat percentage and getting you into the best shape of your life!
    • 8 Week Transformation Program
    • Guidance provided by someone with 4+ years of experience
    • Unlimited Q&A
    • An intelligent use of fasting to cut weight and drop fat
    • A test of resolve and endurance, incorporating fasts
    • Fast results that can be maintained with a streamline
    • Daily check ins with me, as well as support and approval
    • Strict tracking of food and daily weigh ins
    • A strict but enjoyable approach to dieting and weight loss
    • Delicious meals that will make this 8 week change effortless
  • Lifetime Fitness Program

    This program ensures accurate and undeniable results! It includes a delicious, high protein diet that incorporates some of your long time favorites, as well as a progression, challenge based week.
    • A progression based system built on challenges and struggle
    • A delicious, high protein, muscle building diet
    • An intelligent approach to dieting, focused on longevity
    • A challenging approach to fitness, that'll build resilience
    • Open to all levels of fitness participants, beginner focused
    • A lifetime approach to fitness and diet
    • Novelty is accepted and encouraged on this journey
    • Countless opportunities to grow and develop
    • Intense workouts that'll leave you feeling fulfilled
    • Colorizing daily routines that'll make weight loss fun
    • Enjoyable cheat meals and cheat days dispersed intelligently
  • Lifetime Diet Plan

    The Lifetime Diet Plan includes an accumulation of 4+ years of bodybuilding and dieting experience. I am including a delicious, high protein diet that will ensure you remain enthusiastic about fitness
    Valid for 2 years
    • A delicious diet that will help you lose fat
    • A variety of options that ensures novelty and excitement
    • A diet that includes some of your favorites
    • Healthier alternatives to your favorites
    • Delicious snacks that are lower in calories to aid fat loss
    • Delicious beverages that are lower in calories
    • The best ways to cut weight + obscure fat loss tips
    • Intelligently devised dieting methods,
    • Fasting challenges incorporated
    • Strict tracking, weighing of food, calorie counting
    • The best ways to get satiated and satisfied
    • My new approach to dieting that has helped me lose the fat.
  • Get coached by me

    Every month
    For anyone who wants to get into the best shape of their lives, this program is here to guide you throughout the whole process. I will take you all through the whole process of gaining muscle and diet
    • Guidance by a bodybuilder/ athlete with 4+ years of exp.
    • Strict weighing of food and tracking of calories
    • Week by week guidance with reassurance and support
    • Motivation, a positive outlook, and esteem building
    • Customized exercise programs for muscle growth and fat loss
    • A Higher protein, muscle building diet
    • Intelligent programming and design
    • Brisk workouts that ensure high quality results
    • Ensured results brought about by accuracy and precision
    • Personal coaching that'll transform your life and physique
    • The best results that will last a lifetime!
    • Step by step instructions and Q+A
    • A reliable, excellent coach who is passionate about fitness

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